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No. 5 - Quartet - "The British Tourist"


Girdle: It seemed a dreadful bore
To leave our native shore far behind!
All: Far behind!
Emmy-Lou: But as we had to go,
We merely murmured, "Oh, never mind!"
All: Never mind!
Mrs. Girdle: Experience has taught us that it's much the better plan,
When very far away we have to roam,
To try and carry with us all the comforts that we can,
Girdle: In order to remind ourselves of home.
Stephen: Papa had the "Daily Mail,"
Emmy-Lou: Mama had a new "Home Chat,"
Girdle: The little ones had "Sketchy Bits" to gaze and wonder at.
Mrs. Girdle: With plenty of things like these
So happy indeed are we.
Girdle: The British Tourist,
Mrs. Girdle: And his wife,
Emmy-Lou & Stephen: And all his familee!
Girdle: We'd bundles large and small,
Just twenty-three in all, such a joke!
All: Such a joke!
Stephen: Papa was dressed in checks
That somehow seemed to vex foreign folk.
All: Foreign folk.
Mrs. Girdle: We filled up the compartment with our luggage and our wraps,
Which made the other passengers complain;
I think that they were overcome with jealousy, perhaps,
Girdle: To see us having dinner in the train.
Stephen: Papa had a big Bath bun,
Emmy-Lou: Mamma had a stale pork pie,
Girdle: The little ones had peppermints to eat upon the sly.
Mrs. Girdle: With plenty of things like these
So happy indeed are we.
Girdle: The British Tourist,
Mrs. Girdle: And his wife,
Emmy-Lou & Stephen: And all his familee!
All: Papa had a big Bath bun,
Mamma had a stale pork pie,
The little ones had peppermints
to eat upon the sly.
With plenty of things like these
So happy indeed are we.
The British Tourist, and his wife,
And all his familee!

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Page modified 4 November 2016