You are here: British Musical Theatre > Musicals > The New Aladdin > Act 2 No. 14

No. 14 - Concerted Number - "In London."
Lyrics by Adrian Ross


Genie: I've brought you over and set you down
In the last edition of London Town,
And when I'm not wanted for pressing calls,
I've taken a room at the top of St. Paul's.
All: In London, lovely London!
Eulalie: Ma foi ze town is so nice to see,
It's nearly as pretty as dear Paris.
I think I will stay in ze Leicester Square.
I know vere I am ven I find me zere.
All: In London, lovely London!
Ratz: I go to der office for der war,
And send report to mine Emperor;
Ebenezer: I'll hunt for things that are curious,
Perhaps I shall dig up a Vanguard bus.
All: In London, lovely London!
In London, London!
For that is the place to stay.
When the Thames is spann'd by the dear old Strand,
With the Carlton over the way,
In London, London!
We're all of use bound to camp,
For Paris at night is the city of light,
But London's the town of the lamp.

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British Musical Theatre | Musicals | The New Aladdin

Page modified 2 February 2017