You are here: The Gilbert and Sullivan Archive > British Musical Theatre > Three Little Maids > Act 1 No. 4

No. 4 - Sextet - "The Town and Country Mouse."


Country Girls: A mouse once lived in the country—
London Girls: A mouse once lived in the Town;
Country Girls: The country mouse
Had a very small house,
Quite tiny and tumble-down,
Quite tiny and tumble-down.
London Girls: The town mouse had a mansion,
And powdered footmen too,
And dined at eight off fine gold plate,
And the front door looked so new.
Country Girls: So new that the rain came through.
Poor little, happy little country mouse!
London Girls: Fine little, grand little, swell town mouse!
Country Girls: Glad to play in the hay,
London Girls: Dining at the Carlton ev'ry day;
One in a frock of purple,
Country Girls: One in a coat of brown,
One little mouse from the Countryside,
London Girls: And one little mouse from the Town!
All: One little mouse from the Countryside,
And one little mouse from the Town!
Country Girls: A mouse once lived in the country—
London Girls: A mouse once lived in the Town;
Country Girls: The country mouse
Could not afford grouse
Except when the price was down,
The price was very much down.
London Girls: The town mouse was a gourmet,
And drank the very best wine,
And never would go for a walk, you know,
Unless the weather was fine.
Country Girls: And didn't his boots just shine!
Poor little, happy little country mouse!
London Girls: Fine little, grand little, swell town mouse!
Country Girls: Glad to play in the hay,
London Girls: Dining at the Carlton ev'ry day;
One in a frock of purple,
Country Girls: One in a coat of brown,
One little mouse from the Countryside,
London Girls: And one little mouse from the Town!
All: One little mouse from the Countryside,
And one little mouse from the Town!

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British Musical Theatre | Three Little Maids

Page modified 13 April 2017