You are here: The Gilbert and Sullivan Archive > British Musical Theatre > The Toreador > Act 1 No. 2

No. 2 - Chorus of Bridesmaids


Bridesmaids: We're all of us lovely and young,
Chorus: Young!
Bridesmaids: So draw no distinction between us —
And when we take hands and bathe from the sands,
Observers compare us to Venus —  
Chorus: To Venus!
Bridesmaids: She rose, so the poets have sung,
Chorus: Sung!
Bridesmaids: From foam by Cerulean tides made;
Her dress we admit would hardly be fit
For dear Mrs. Hoppings's bridesmaid!
1st. Bridesmaid: We're in fact just the kind
To attract heart and mind,
Just the sort men like you
Come to court, wish to woo.
If you do, I'm afraid
That I too, though so staid,
May decide to be bride,
Not a maid.
All: Ah! They're perfectly dressed for their part,
With nothing that's formal or stiff on,
But lace that is quite a dream of delight,
And charming confections of chiffon.
You'll own that the dressmaker's art
Has really remarkable strides made;
No former princess could vie with the dress
Of dear Mrs. Hoppings's bridesmaid!
No former princess could vie with the dress
Of dear Mrs. Hoppings's bridesmaid!

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British Musical Theatre | The Toreador

Page modified 16 April 2017