Arthur Tuer (1885-87)

[Born Yorkshire c.1854, died Cork, Ireland 2 Feb 1896]

Arthur Tuer served in the D'Oyly Carte chorus at the Savoy for most, if not all, of the first run of The Mikado (March 1885-January 1887). Tuer may have been lent to Mr. D'Oyly Carte's "A" Company on tour in November 1885. A review that month says a Mr. Tuet (sic) replaced Charles Hildesley as Cyril in Princess Ida. Hildesley had been summoned to the Savoy.

When Ruddygore premiered in January 1887, Tuer had the small ghostly role of Sir Desmond Murgatroyd. He would leave the Savoy, and the D'Oyly Carte organization in August 1887.

Tour then moved to Cork, Ireland, where he taught voice cultivation and choral classes at the Cork School of Music. He also conducted a series of amateur operas there including The Sultan of Mocha, Princess Ida, and Princess Toto. Arthur Tuer died of pneumonia at the age of forty-one, leaving a widow and seven children.

Page modified June 10, 2020 © 2003-20 David Stone