Dialogue following No. 6
Enter Two, Five, and Seven of Clubs, then KING, QUEEN, and KNAVE of Hearts and other Cards; also ALICE - Procession goes round the stage. Two, Five, and Seven lie down at sides.
QUEEN (to KNAVE). Who is this? (KNAVE only bows) Idiot! (to ALICE) What’s your name, child?
ALICE. My name is Alice, so please your majesty. (aside) Why they’re only a pack of cards; I needn’t be afraid of them.
QUEEN (pointing to Two, Five, and Seven). And who are these?
ALICE. How should I know? It’s no business of mine.
QUEEN (glares at ALICE and then shouts). Off with her head! off–
KING. Consider, my dear; she is only a child.
QUEEN (to KNAVE). Turn them over. (Two, Five, and Seven get up and bow rapidly to everyone) Leave off that, you make me giddy. Off with their heads!
ALICE. You shan’t be beheaded. (shows them off stage)
RABBIT (to ALICE). It’s - it’s a very fine day.
ALICE. Very! where’s the Duchess?
RABBIT. Hush! Hush! She’s under sentence of execution.
ALICE. What for?
RABBIT. Did you say what a pity?
ALICE. No I didn’t. I don’t think it at all a pity - I said what for?
RABBIT. She boxed the Queen’s ears.
ALICE. Oh what fun!
RABBIT. Oh hush, the Queen will hear you.
QUEEN. Are their heads off?
KNAVE. Their heads are off, so please your Majesty.
QUEEN. Get to your places!
KING gives ALICE his hand - KNAVE with QUEEN. Grand Gavotte of Court Cards.