Dialogue following No. 16
DUM. That’s enough for one dance!
Both stop suddenly out of breath, music also stops suddenly and they drop her hands.
ALICE (aside). It would never do to say “How d’ye do” now; we seem to have got beyond that somehow. (aloud) I hope you’re not much tired!
DUM. Nohow! And thank you very much for asking.
DEE. Contrariwise! So much obliged! Can you repeat us some poetry?
ALICE (doubtfully). Perhaps I could!
DUM. Nohow!
DEE. Contrariwise! Repeat “The Walrus and the Carpenter”?
ALICE. I’m afraid I don’t know it!
DUM. Then we’ll tell it you.
Scene opens and discloses sea-shore, and WALRUS and CARPENTER