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No. 3 - Song - Widdicombe and Chorus of Girls - "A Little Flutter."


Widdicombe: There's a wonderful fascination
In the game of speculation,
Though it may be rather risky —
Girls: Just a little bit risky!
Widdicombe: And although they may seldom win, you
Find that people still continue
Backing gee-gees that are frisky —
Girls: Gee-gees often are frisky!
Widdicombe: At other times you may arrange
A flutter on the Stock Exchange;
In Kaffir mines or rubber shares,
They join the bulls and bears —
Girls: The bulls, the bears!
They join the bulls and bears!
Widdicombe: Oh, where's the harm
In having a bit of a flutter?
Prudish people their eyes may shut,
Cry "Oh, fie!" and "Tut, tut, tut, tut!"
They make sure
You'll finish your days in the gutter,
If you happen to lay a shilling each way
In a mild little innocent flut, ut, tut, tut,
A flut, ut, tut, tut, tut, tut, utter!
Girls: Oh, where's the harm
In having a bit of a flutter?
Prudish people their eyes may shut,
Cry "Oh, fie!" and "Tut, tut, tut, tut!"
They make sure
You'll finish your days in the gutter,
If you happen to lay a shilling each way
In a mild little innocent flut, ut, tut, tut,
A flut, ut, tut, tut, tut, tut, utter!
Widdicombe: Now young ladies in your position
Aren't supposed, without permission,
Any gentleman to talk to —
Girls: Oh, there's no one to talk to!
Widdicombe: But there's plenty of chaps a-staring
When you're out to take an airing,
And they follow where you walk, too —
Girls: Just wherever we walk to!
Widdicombe: As if some youth, when passing by,
Should offer you the joyful eye,
Your girlish hearts I fancy will
Begin to throb and thrill —
Girls: To throb, to thrill,
Begin to throb and thrill!
Widdicombe: Oh, there's no doubt
You get in a bit of a flutter;
Still there isn't much harm in that,
Hearts go "thump" and "pit-a-pat-pat."
Just one glance
And never a word do you utter;
It's the wireless code from over the road
That is getting your hearts in a flut, ut, tut, tut,
A flut, ut, tut, tut, tut, tut, utter!
Girls: Oh, there's no doubt
You get in a bit of a flutter;
Still there isn't much harm in that,
Hearts go "thump" and "pit-a-pat-pat."
Just one glance
And never a word do you utter;
It's the wireless code from over the road
That is getting your hearts in a flut, ut, tut, tut,
A flut, ut, tut, tut, tut, tut, utter!

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Page modified 17 November 2016