You are here: British Musical Theatre > Musicals > A Gaiety Girl > Act 1 No. 1

No. 1 - Opening Chorus - "When a Masculine Stranger Goes By"


Sopranos: When a masculine stranger goes by
Array'd in a uniform smart,
The appeal to the feminine eye
Takes effect on the feminine heart.
The policeman's a duck and a dear
By the side of the sober civilian,
But dearer the brave volunteer,
The dearest the lad in vermillion.
Tenors: We're delighted to hear you confess
You are fond of the regular's dress.
It is perfectly clear
That we've nothing to fear
From the p'liceman in blue or the brave volunteer.
Sopranos: When a good-looking soldier goes by
In his uniform splendid and smart,
The appeal to the feminine eye
Takes effect on the feminine heart.
But see what glorious visions come this way
We girls ideals have and these are they.
Basses: When a soldier on parade
In his grandeur is display'd,
Opposition is compell'd to hide its puny form,
For there's nothing can compare
With the concentrated glare
Of a military regimental uniform.
Sopranos: When in stiff and stolid style
You arrive in double file
To an operatic air of light and tuny form
You compel us to adore you,
For you carry all before you
In your military regimental uniform.
All: When a masculine stranger goes by
Array'd in a uniform smart,
The appeal to the feminine eye
Takes effect on the feminine heart.
The policeman's a duck and a dear
By the side of the sober civilian,
But dearer the brave volunteer,
And dearest the lad in vermillion.
Then here's to his health,
Promotion and wealth,
We hope that he soon will be
For, stated in brief,
A jolly good corp'ral he!
For, stated in brief,
A jolly good corp'ral he.

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British Musical Theatre | Musicals | A Gaiety Girl

Page modified 4 December 2016