You are here: British Musical Theatre > Musicals > A Gaiety Girl > Act 1 No.4

No. 4 - Chorus - "Here come the la-dies" and Concerted Piece.


Chorus: Here come the ladies who dazzle Society,
Leaders of etiquette, pinks of propriety,
Crême de la crême of the latest variety,
End-of-the-century girls; (Of the century,)
Strictest observers of social formalities,
Wearers of modern modistes' specialities,
Only residing in top-top localities,
Flocking where fashion unfurls.
Lady Edytha: To the barracks we have come,
Chorus: Rumty tum! Rumty tum! Rumty tum!
Lady Edytha: But of course it wouldn't do
Chorus: Tootle too! Tootle! Tootle too!
Lady Edytha: For a girl to come alone
So we've brought a chaperone
Who can more than hold her own
Chorus: Hold her own.
Ladies: With a military man,
Men: Rat-a-plan! plan, plan, plan, plan!
Two Girls: For we're dear little girls with an innocent way,
And we've come for a walk to the barracks today;
We are taking the air,
As the weather is fair,
So you'll please have a care
What you do and you say!
Chorus: They are dear little girls with an innocent way,
And they've come for a walk to the barracks today;
They're a sweet little pair
Who are taking the air,
So we must have a care
What we do and say!
Miss Gladys: We observe you're looking glum,
Chorus: Rumty tum! Rumty tum! Rumty tum!
Miss Gladys: And we sympathise with you,
Chorus: Tootle too! Tootle! Tootle too!
Miss Gladys: For it would have been such fun
If we'd come here one by one,
But the thing is never done
Chorus: Never done.
Ladies: With a military man,
Men: Rat-a-plan! plan, plan, plan, plan!
Two Girls: For we're dear little girls with an innocent way,
And we've come for a walk to the barracks today;
We are taking the air,
As the weather is fair,
So you'll please have a care
What you do and you say!
Chorus: They are dear little girls with an innocent way,
And they've come for a walk to the barracks today;
They're a sweet little pair
Who are taking the air,
So we must have a care
What we do and say!
Goldfield: In the name of the gallant Life Guards I may
To our visitors fair be permitted to say
That the regiment all, overjoyed at their call,
Gives them heartiest welcome and bids them to stay.
Ladies: Rat-a-plan!
Men: Rat-a-plan! plan, plan, plan, plan!
Ladies: For we're dear little girls with an innocent way,
And we've come for a walk to the barracks today;
We are taking the air,
As the weather is fair,
So you'll please have a care
What you do and you say!
Chorus: They are dear little girls with an innocent way,
And they've come for a walk to the barracks today;
They're a sweet little pair
Who are taking the air,
So we must have a care
What we do and say!

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British Musical Theatre | Musicals | A Gaiety Girl

Page modified 4 December 2016