You are here: British Musical Theatre > Musicals > A Gaiety Girl > Act 2 No. 15

No. 15 - Trio - "The Boys of the Household Brigade."


Rivers: Buck up, buck up, old chappie! and don't meet your woes half way man!
Fitzwarren: Leave lovers' ills like unpaid bills, untill you're on half-pay man!
Goldfield: But life has rubs, my chirpy subs, that aren't at all amusin',
And though a chap's a Life Guard, p'r'aps he still may be the Blues in.
Rivers: A fig for blues of divers hues, don't get such nonsense wrapt in!
Fitzwarren: By way of cure remember you're a guardsman and a Captain!
Rivers: Who's got in store good times galore, a few of which we'll mention,
Goldfield: Go on my boys, your list of joys shall have my best attention.
All: Oh! we're boys of the Household Brigade, Brigade,
As cheery and bright as they're made, they're made,
Goldfield: It's quite on the tapis I yet may be happy,
All: By never a trouble dismay'd, dismay'd.
We're boys of the Household Brigade, Brigade,
As cheery and bright as they're made, they're made,
So buck up, old chappie, and let's all be happy,
By never a trouble dismay'd,
Like the boys of the Household Brigade!
Rivers: There's town delights o' day and nights (not quite for country cousins,)
Fitzwarren: With shows and balls and Music Halls, and pretty girls by dozens;
Goldfield: A lounge you go or ride the row, and plunging go the pace in,
To make a bit or take a hit on all the season's racin'!
Rivers: Or take your way to Paris gay to do though prigs may snarl oh!
Your Moulin Rouge; then "rouge et noir" at merry Monte Carlo,
Fitzwarren: You crop a flow'r from ev'ry hour with nought your fun to fetter,
Goldfield: By jove you do! D'you know, you two! I'm feeling rather better.
All: Oh! we're boys of the Household Brigade, Brigade,
As cheery and bright as they're made, they're made,
Goldfield: It's quite on the tapis I yet may be happy,
All: By never a trouble dismay'd, dismay'd.
We're boys of the Household Brigade, Brigade,
As cheery and bright as they're made, they're made,
So buck up, old chappie, and let's all be happy,
By never a trouble dismay'd,
Like the boys of the Household Brigade!
Rivers: Then leaving town for dale and down, and round of rural blisses,
Fitzwarren:  You shoot your neighbour's covers, and you spoon your neighbour's missis;
Rivers: There's bird and brute to hunt and shoot, there's game for horse and gun there,
So in and out beyond a doubt you're bound to get some fun there!
Goldfield: A guardsman's year is one career of sport there's no denying,
Rivers: And when he's broke beyond a joke from many kites a-flying,
He seeks with aim to shoot big game, the Congo or the Niger,
Or goes to pot in India hot the Captivating Tiger.
All: Oh! we're boys of the Household Brigade, Brigade,
As cheery and bright as they're made, they're made,
Goldfield: It's quite on the tapis I yet may be happy,
All: By never a trouble dismay'd, dismay'd.
We're boys of the Household Brigade, Brigade,
As cheery and bright as they're made, they're made,
So buck up, old chappie, and let's all be happy,
By never a trouble dismay'd,
Like the boys of the Household Brigade!

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British Musical Theatre | Musicals | A Gaiety Girl

Page modified 4 December 2016