You are here: British Musical Theatre > Musicals > A Gaiety Girl > Act 2 No. 23

No. 23 - Finale Act II


Sir Lewis: I find it's really better far
To keep my pranks for Bench and Bar.
Lady Virginia: My little heart at once I gave
To one so warlike, big and brave.
Goldfield: In spite of sneers from Church and Laity,
My life henceforth you'll fill with Gaiety.
Rose: You're going to marry me, and so
You are a lucky chap, you know.
Dr. Brierly: When leaving the gay Carnival, val, val,
There isn't a doubt that I shall, shall, shall
My feelings express by invoking success
On the way of the Gaiety Gal, Gal, Gal!
Chorus: On the day of the gay Carnival,
When leaving the gay Carnival, val, val,
There isn't a doubt that we shall, shall, shall
Our feelings express by invoking success
On the way of the Gaiety Gal, Gal, Gal!

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British Musical Theatre | Musicals | A Gaiety Girl

Page modified 4 December 2016