You are here: British Musical Theatre > Musicals > The Mousmé > Act 1 No. 7

No. 7 - Duet - "Little Flower of Japan"


Fujiwara: Tho' I need no magic pow'r
Save my love to hold me true,
May I keep this little flow'r,
Sweet with tender thoughts of you?
Hana: Take and keep it if you will,
People say when lovers part,
These betoken faith unbroken,
Emblem of a loyal heart.
Both: Little flow'r of Japan,
'Twixt a maid and a man,
You've a meaning all your own;
For a man, with your aid,
Will be true to a maid
When she's left to wait alone.
Tho' you fade in a day,
Yet your fragrance will stay,
All your beauty to recall;
So all beauty above
Is the fragrance of love,
Fairest flower, fairest flower of all.
Fujiwara: Next my heart your flow'r shall stay,
Keeping love's fair blossom bright,
Whispering of you by day,
Weaving dreams of you by night.
Hana: Sometimes, so I have been told,
Love that blooms the brightest hue
Soon grows jaded, faint, and faded;
Can it be that this is true?
Both: Little flow'r of Japan,
'Twixt a maid and a man,
You've a meaning all your own;
For a man, with your aid,
Will be true to a maid
When she's left to wait alone.
Tho' you fade in a day,
Yet your fragrance will stay,
All your beauty to recall;
So all beauty above
Is the fragrance of love,
Fairest flower, fairest flower of all.
Fairest flow'r of all!

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British Musical Theatre | Musicals | The Mousmé

Page modified 30 January 2017