You are here: British Musical Theatre > Musicals > The Mousmé > Act 2 No. 11

No. 11 - Scena and Concerted Number - "Inquisitive Gentlemen"


Men: What is this we see?
Little lady all alone,
Not a sign of chaperone!
Miyo: How they stare at me!
Had I better run away?
No, I feel inclined to stay.
Men: Little lady, we were merely
Wond'ring what we ought to do,
For to put the matter clearly
This is not the place for you.
Miyo: Still, you men find lots of fun,
So why should poor little girls like me have none?
Men: There's a question or two
We would ask of you,
If the liberty you'll forgive;
So your name you will tell?
And you might as well
Let us kindly know where you live.
Miyo: Oh, some sort of name of course I've got,
And it is...
Men: Yes, it is?
Miyo: Well, never mind what!
And as for my home, well, I declare
That I live...
Men: Yes, you live?
Miyo: Oh, never mind where!
Men: Now that sort of answer's hardly fair:
"Never mind what!" "Never mind where!"
Miyo: Oh, gentlemen, you're too inquisitive!
You quite embarrass me now and then;
I never as yet
Have met such a set
Of inquisitive, quisitive, quisitive gentlemen!
Men: Oh, certainly we feel inquisitive!
How can we manage to help it then?
To meet honoured miss
In a place like this,
Well, it makes us inquisitive, quisitive, quisitive gentlemen!
Men: But perhaps you will say
How you found your way
To this curious kind of spot?
If your father were told,
Don't you think he'd scold?
For a father, no doubt, you've got.
Miyo: I've made up my mind to stop here now,
And I came...
Men: Yes, you came?
Miyo: Well, never mind how!
My father's opinion I pooh-pooh,
Tho' he is...
Men: Yes, he is?
Miyo: Oh, never mind who!
Men: That's all the reply we get from you:
"Never mind how!" "Never mind who!"
Miyo: Oh, gentlemen, you're too inquisitive,
You quite embarrass me now and then;
You'll just have to guess
My name and address,
You inquisitive, quisitive, quisitive gentlemen!
Men: Oh, certainly we feel inquisitive!
But you were trying to snub us then.
The fact we deplore
That you won't say more,
Though we are such inquisitive, quisitive, quisitive gentlemen!

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Page modified 30 January 2017