You are here: British Musical Theatre > Musicals > The New Aladdin > Act 1 No. 7

No. 7 - Concerted Number - "Please Don't Go."
Lyrics by Percy Greenbank


Princess: How rashly you behave;
No doubt it's very brave,
But do take care, don't venture there
Inside the gloomy cave!
Ebenezer: Within it I suppose
No sunlight ever glows,
So dark 'twill be you will not see
An inch before your nose.
Cadi: Perhaps your footing you will miss,
And tumble down some deep abyss,
Far underground, right out of sound,
Where dragons crawl and serpents hiss.
Tippin: And wide awake you'll have to keep
Lest bogies round the corner peep,
Or horrid things with flapping wings
Upon your shoulders leap.
All: Please don't go, Please don't go.
Princess: Oh! Lally, don't go into the cave I implore you!
What may occur you never know,
(O foolish Lally!)
Oh! Lally, just think of all the dangers before you,
Take my advice, O Lally, Lally don't go!
All: Oh! Lally, don't go into the cave we implore you!
What may occur you never know,
(O foolish Lally!)
Oh! Lally, just think of all the dangers before you,
Take our advice, O Lally, Lally don't go!
Maid: Then monsieur must beware,
Lest, when he gets in there,
He faints away; some caves, they say,
Are full of poisoned air.
Ratz: Or else with dreadful din
The roof may tumble in,
And squash you so, quite flat, you know,
Just like a pancake thin.
Spirit: Oh, Lally, do not listen, pray,
To what these foolish mortals say,
Before you lies the long'd-for prize,
Come, follow where I point the way.
Lally: Unpleasant things you may suggest
To put my courage to the test,
But nothing you can say or do
Will turn me from my quest!
Others: Please don't go, Please don't go.
Lally: But Lally intends to go, it's useless to worry,
To your requests I answer "No!"
(I'm reckless Lally!)
For Lally to find the lamp is in such a hurry,
Don't try to hinder Lally, Lally will go!
Others: Oh! Lally, don't go into the cave we implore you!
What may occur you never know,
(O foolish Lally!)
Oh! Lally, just think of all the dangers before you,
Take our advice, O Lally, Lally don't go!

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Page modified 2 February 2017