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No. 26 - Song - Lally - "The Sort of Chap."
Lyrics by Leslie Mayne


Lally: There's a little question people ask you now and then,
"What's the sort of man you like to know?"
Well, of course, I answer that I'm pals with lots of men;
Heaps of sorts of chaps I like to know!
But perhaps I like the man who asks me out to dine,
Orders such a dinner and the most delightful wine;
Then when I'm in trouble he will come and pay the fine,
That's the sort of friend I like to know!
That's the sort of man I like to know,
Late at night he's always on the go.
Sees you home at half-past four,
Sticks your latch-key in your door —
That's the sort of pal I like to know!

There's another question which was asked me by a chap,
"What's the sort of girl you like to know?"
I've a cousin Bob who says he doesn't care a rap,
Any kind of girl he likes to know!
I prefer a pretty one with tender eyes of grey;
Teeth that might be rows of pearls and such a taking way,
If I ask to kiss her, she must answer "Yes you may!"
That's the sort of girl I like to know!
That's the sort of girl I like to know,
One that's not too fast and not too slow,
She shall light my cigarette,
And she'll smoke one too, you bet!
That's the sort of girl I like to know!

Tell me this, you fellows, have you got a rich old aunt?
That's the sort of aunt I like to know!
As a private benefactor, equal her you can't —
That's the sort of aunt I like to know!
Up she comes to London with her parrots and her pets,
Hears you've been to Epsom and have lost a lot of bets —
Gives you such a scolding — but she settles all your debts!
That's the sort of aunt I like to know!
That's the sort of aunt I like to know,
I could do with half a score or so,
If you've got some aunts like these,
Introduce me, if you please!
They're the sort of aunts I like to know!

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Page modified 2 February 2017