You are here: British Musical Theatre > Musicals > San Toy > Act II No. 17

No. 17 - Entrance of English Visitors


Sing Hi: At our majestic monarch's behest,
Welcome the whole barbarian band!
In uniform,
Which must be worn,
Come ev'ry English guest.
Their cut and style
May raise a smile
But that must be suppress'd.
Chorus: Of course! the smile shall be suppress'd!
Bobbie: Our Colours mean
We serve the Queen,
They're not a theme for jest!
So if you would
Be quite so good
Your laugh may be suppress'd.
Chorus: It is! Observe, it is suppress'd!
Sir Bingo: These ladies here
With bow and spear
Excite my interest,
I really think
I'll try a wink
But that must be suppress'd.
Chorus: Oh fie, You ought to be suppress'd!
English Ladies: Oh, how they stare,
As if we were
Inadequately dress'd
They must be mad!
Chorus: These necks unclad
Are really very bad
And ought to be suppress'd!
Still, free from distrust or malice
Pour tea in the China Chalice.
Greet them in the Golden Dragon Palace.

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British Musical Theatre | Musicals | San Toy

Page modified 23 February 2017