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Harold & Blanca Arthur Playfair as Harold & Blanca
Arthur Playfair as
Corporal Harold,
of the King's Hussars.
Gertrude Aylward
as Blanca,
a Vivandière
Corporal Harold:
"Oh, you may laugh at our dancing
  It's all very well, it amuses you
But how would you like this dashed
  Every day from ten till two?"
Harold & Munck Harold & Munck
Corporal Harold and
John Le Hay as Mats Munck,
the Syndic of Elsinore
Mats Munck : "When a man is promoted unexpectedly to a position of the highest official distinction, it is always a satisfactory circumstance when his figure is calculated to set off his uniform to advantage. "

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Page modified 16 October 2020