No. 2: SONG. — ERLING.
When I bestow my bosom’s store, No room for doubt Must I descry: All men must love whom I adore, Or we fall out, All men and I. Though poor their chance and slight their hope Who with my suit presume to cope, Yet must all men to gain her try, Or we fall out, all men and I. When I am wed I’ll hold them cheap Who sing and shout With joyous cry. At such a time all men must weep, Or we fall out, All men and I. As all men must my rivals be, When Nanna gives her hand to me, All men must, broken-hearted, sigh, Or we fall out, all men and I. If I my lady vainly woo And, her without, I pine and die, Mankind at large must perish, too, Or we fall out, Mankind and I. Who loves when I find life too long Would seem to say that I am wrong. When I expire, all men must die, Or we fall out, all men and I!