Gilbert and Sullivan Archive

The Gondoliers

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Dialogue following No. 12

Giuseppe. Yes, it really is a very pleasant existence. They're all so singularly kind and considerate. You don't find them wanting to do this, or wanting to do that, or saying "It's my turn now." No, they let us have all the fun to ourselves, and never seem to grudge it.

Marco. It makes one feel quite selfish. It almost seems like taking advantage of their good nature.

Giuseppe. How nice they were about the double rations.

Marco. Most considerate. Ah! there's only one thing wanting to make us thoroughly comfortable.

Giuseppe. And that is?

Marco. The dear little wives we left behind us three months ago.

Giuseppe. Yes, it is dull without female society. We can do without everything else, but we can't do without that.

Marco. And if we have that in perfection, we have everything. There is only one recipe for perfect happiness.

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Page Created 14 October, 2005

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