You are here: Archive Home > Sullivan > Major Works > Haddon Hall

written by Sydney Grundy.
music by Sir Arthur Sullivan.

This opera opened at the Savoy Theatre on September 24, 1892
and played for 204 performances.

Haddon Hall is based on an actual historical event. Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall elopes with John Manners, son of the Duke of Rutland. Her father has unfortunately arranged a marriage for her with her cousin Rupert, a recent unwilling convert to puritanism, in order for the family to retain the Haddon estate.

Web Opera
Featuring all of the word and music of this opera. Follow along with the words on a web page while listening to the music, follow the lyrics on the screen with MIDI Karaoke file, or follow the words and the score while listening to the Noteworthy files.

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Page modified 1 September 2018