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Gryndon (alone). She loves another, and contemus this match.
I'll watch the girl — the lovers I will catch,
But how? Of hiding places there's a lack —
Ha! Ha! The very thing — within this sack
    (Music. He tries to get in.)
  It's not so easy. (looks off and calls.) Marquis! Here! HI! HI!
Re-enter MARQUIS.
  Mincepie! I'll be myself your Lordship's spy.
Assist me. Thank you
    (Music. Gets in with MARQUIS's assistance.)
Marquis. What d'ye mean to do?
Gryndon See who's the lover she prefers to you.  
  Good-bye.   (disappears into sack.)
Marquis. I'd better tie it at the top. (Music. Fastens sack.)
Enter CYMON, with crossbow.
  Ha! Here's a sportsman. P'raps he's come to pop.
What are you looking for?
Cymon.     A little duck.  
Marquis (aside). 'Tis he! 'Tis she!    
Cymon.     I never had such luck,
  There's not a single bird that I can hit,
Now I've come here while following a tom-tit;
I thought he'd be a tom-tit bit for dinner,
I am so hungry that I'm getting thinner.
Janetta. Cymon!      
Cymon.   Just see me shoot there, on that stack.
  Now by the window — now.
(Music, the MARQUIS getting out of the way. CYMON fires and the sack staggers.)
Marquis.     He's killed the sack.

Music. The sack jumps about with fearful contortions. At last GRYNDON breaks through it, and is about to strike CYMON, who kneels to him, when he is restrained by JANETTA. MARQUIS, who has taken CYMON's crossbow, when he threw it away on being pursued by the sack, points it at him. Tableau. Scene closes.

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Page modified 16 December 2012