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Nos. 5 & 6
No. 6: RECIT. & CORO - "The Crescent o'er the Cross"
Il Marinajo
The Crescent o'er the Cross is hoisted high,
And cymbals clash and pipe and drum are loud;
While o'er the Christian captives chain'd and sad,
The unbeliever's song of triumph sounds.
Chorus: Allahhu, Akbar!*
Mohammadar rasoollula.
Allahhu, Akbar!
Mohammadar rasoollula.
Allahhu, Akbar!
Lailaha illa'l lah.
Lailaha illa'l lah.
Allahhu, Akbar!
Allahhu, Akbar!
Allahhu, Akbar!
*Translation:- God is most great! God is most great!
Mahommed is God's apostle!
There is no Deity but God.
Page created 6 February 2004