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No. 4a: SONG (King Paramount & Chorus)
"A King of autocratic power we"

Midi Symbol MIDI File [16KB, 3' 17"]

King Paramount.
A King of autocratic power we —
A despot whose tyrannic will is law —
Whose rule is paramount o'er land and sea,
A presence of unutterable awe!
But though the awe that I inspire
Must shrivel with imperial fire
All foes whom it may chance to touch,
To judge by what I see and hear,
It does not seem to interfere
With popular enjoyment, much.

No, no — it does not interfere
With our enjoyment much.
Click on picture to enlarge
Rutland Barrington as King Paramount, 1893

King Paramount.
Stupendous when we rouse ourselves to strike,
Resistless when our tyrant thunder peals,
We often wonder what obstruction's like,
And how a contradicted monarch feels.
But as it is our Royal whim
Our Royal sails to set and trim
To suit whatever wind may blow —
What buffets contradiction deals
And how a thwarted monarch feels
We probably will never know.

No, no — what thwarted monarch feels,
You'll never, never know.

King Paramount. (recit.)
My subjects all, it is your wish emphatic
That all Utopia shall henceforth be modelled
Upon that glorious country called Great Britain —
To which some add — but others do not — Ireland.
It is!
King Paramount. (recit.)
That being so, as you insist upon it,
We have arranged that our two younger daughters
Who have been "finished" by an English Lady —
(tenderly) A grave and good and gracious English Lady —
Shall daily be exhibited in public,
That all may learn what, from the English standpoint,
Is looked upon as maidenly perfection!
Come hither, daughters!

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Page Created 27 November, 2005

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