You are here: The Gilbert and Sullivan Archive > British Musical Theatre > Three Little Maids > Act 3 No. 24

No. 24 - Song - Ada and Chorus - "Something sweet about me."


Ada: I don't believe I'm witty,
I cannot think I'm smart;
I'm sure than I'm not pretty,
For I know myself by heart.
I'm not a wealthy heiress,
I'm not a swell Princess,
So really I cannot see why
I'm such a big success.
But I must have a rather fascinating little way,
For they say they can't get on without me,
So I'm bound to imagine,
(Tho' it's not for me to say),
That there must be something sort of sweet about me!
with Chorus: I/she must have a rather fascinating little way,
For they say they can't get on without me/her,
So I'm/she's bound to imagine,
(tho' it's not for me/her to say),
That there must be something sort of sweet about me/her!
Ada: You say that I'm attractive,
I'm told that I am such;
Of course I'm young and active,
But that's not very much.
I wonder what my charm is!
My eyes are not unique;
It's not my nose, so I suppose
It's bound to be my "cheek!"
But I must have a rather fascinating little way,
For they say they can't get on without me,
So I'm bound to imagine,
(Tho' it's not for me to say),
That there must be something sort of sweet about me!
with Chorus:  I/She must have a rather fascinating little way,
For they say they can't get on without me/her,
So I'm/she's bound to imagine,
(tho' it's not for me/her to say),
That there must be something sort of sweet about me/her!

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British Musical Theatre | Three Little Maids

Page modified 13 April 2017