You are here: British Musical Theatre > Musicals > A Gaiety Girl > Act 2 No.

No. 17 - Trio - "When in Town."


Sir Lewis: When in town you're safely landed, and the doctor far away,
You must meet me on the quiet, and we'll have a jolly day!
Dr. Brierly: When you're back again in London, and Sir Lewis isn't by,
Oh, my charmer, you must give me an appointment on the sly.
Sir Lewis: Shall we try the Exhibition, and the Boyton Water Chute?
Dr. Brierly: Let's inspect the Wedding Presents at the blameless Institute!
Sir Lewis: We'll perambulate the Lowther and the Burlington Arcades.
Dr. Brierly: Shall we meet at Sir Augustus's delightful masquerades?
Lady Virginia: I will meet you in the lane,
Or the wicket gate close by,
If it doesn't look like rain,
And the weather-glass is high;
For my ballads all relate,
(And I want to be discreet)
That the lane or wicket gate
Is the proper place to meet.
All: She/I will meet me/you in the lane —
How we bless the old refrain!
But a lady who would wait
In a lane, or at a gate
Isn't quite the sort of lady we consider up-to-date!
Sir Lewis: Will you meet me at the waxworks of the eminent Tussaud?
Dr. Brierly: You will find Dahomey's Amazons an interesting show!
Sir Lewis: We'll have luncheon at the Langham, and we'll sup at the Savoy.
Dr. Brierly: There is much at the Alhambra that a lady could enjoy.
Sir Lewis: Shall we visit Moore and Burgess, or the simple German Reed?
Dr. Brierly: If you like to try the Empire I'll be very pleas'd indeed!
Sir Lewis: The Aquarium can show you something novel and grotesque
Dr. Brierly: Shall we meet at the Lyceum or a Gaiety Burlesque?
Lady Virginia: I will meet you at the stile,
Or the trysting tree of old,
If I think it worth my while,
And the day is not too cold.
For my ballads all agree,
(And I want to be discreet)
That the stile or trysting tree
Is the proper place to meet.
All: She/I will meet me/you at the stile,
Where the elderberries smile!
But a lady who would wait
By a stile, or at a gate
Isn't quite the sort of lady we consider up-to-date!

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British Musical Theatre | Musicals | A Gaiety Girl

Page modified 4 December 2016