You are here: British Musical Theatre > Musicals > A Gaiety Girl > Act 2 No.

No. 18 - Duet - Rose and Rivers - "Stiboo, Stibee."


Rivers: Unlucky the morn on which I was born
The youngest of several brothers!
At college and school considered a fool,
The prizes were given to others.
Rose: But now that I've said I'm willing to wed
This very unlucky young fellow,
Don't grumble, my dear, or you'll find me I fear
As jealous as any Othello!
Both: For I am/love the most unlucky of men,
But what is a chap/girl to do?
Stiboo stibee stikittykyen
Stiyickittyam stiboo!
Rivers: I'm always in debt; at cards or roulette
Misfortune knocks every plan down;
I enter a horse who loses, of course,
The Grand Military at Sandown!
Rose: My counsel is vain, it's perfectly plain
Bad luck is your favorite hobby;
But oh! for the time remember that I'm
Exceedingly fond of you, Bobby!
Both: For I am/love the most unlucky of men,
But what is a chap/girl to do?
Stiboo stibee stikittykyen
Stiyickittyam stiboo!
Rivers: But what will you do, my darling so true,
When stormy the wind and the weather?
Oh, will you agree to face it with me,
And chance ev'ry fortune together?
Rose: Ah! surely you don't imagine I won't!
I'm hurt at the very suggestion.
For, Bobby, you know I'm engaged to you, so
How can you ask me such a question?
Both: For I'm/you're not the most unlucky of men,
For/Your dear little Rose is true!
Stiboo stibee stikittykyen
Stiyickittyam stiboo!

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British Musical Theatre | Musicals | A Gaiety Girl

Page modified 4 December 2016