You are here: British Musical Theatre > Musicals > The Mousmé > Act 3 No. 19

No. 19 - Duet - Mitsu and Suki - "Memories"


Suki: What romantic recollections
Of our meeting I have got!
Mitsu: When I captured your affections,
I was bathing, was I not?
Suki: Sudden billows 'neath the willows
Marked the elephantine spot.
Mitsu: Do you unworthily remember,
Suki: Could I deplorably forget!
Both: That most contemptible occasion
When we unfortunately met?
Mitsu: I dived in as you came along the road.
Suki: Now I know why the river overflowed!
Mitsu: Do you by any chance remember?
Suki: How could I forget?
Suki: Through the meadows we would wander,
As we whispered Love's young vows;
Mitsu: Once we noticed over yonder
Quiet cattle on the browse.
Suki: Getting nearer, we saw clearer
They were bulls instead of cows!
Mitsu: Do you unworthily remember,
Suki: Could I deplorably forget!
Both: That most contemptible occasion
When all those animals we met?
Mitsu: They tossed me like a feather up aloft.
Suki: And for some weeks I sat on something soft.
Mitsu: Do you by any chance remember?
Suki: How could I forget?
Suki: Once you coyly came to meet me
When the moon was shining bright;
Mitsu: Then you took me out to treat me,
For a tea-house was in sight;
Suki: Unromantic and gigantic
Was your girlish appetite.
Mitsu: Do you unworthily remember,
Suki: Could I deplorably forget!
Both: That most contemptible occasion
When you/I so ravenously ate?
Mitsu: When the bill came, you were staggered at the price.
Suki: I should think so! Twenty-seven plates of rice!
Mitsu: Do you by any chance remember?
Suki: How could I forget?

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Page modified 31 January 2017