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CHORUS & SONG - Ferdinand
Cracking of whip heard. Enter from Posada R.H. Landlord, Waiter,
Chambermaid, etc., Peasants, and Gold Washers.
Bustle! Bustle! 'Tis a stranger -
Quite an unexpected treat!
Hie to larder! Hie to manger!
See there plenty be to eat.
Should the coming guest be lonely,
He will need the choicest fare;
(to Landlord) You'll be lucky if he only
Be as rich as he is rare.
Bustle! Bustle! 'Tis a stranger -
Hie to larder! Hie to manger!
You'll be lucky if he only
Be as rich as he is rare.
Bustle! Bustle! 'Tis a stranger -
Quite an unexpected treat!
'Tis a stranger, 'Tis a stranger,
Quite an unexpected treat!
Stable help, boy, etc., etc., out and over bridge.
Enter FERDINAND, disguised as "PIETRO SLIVINSKI", the Polish
Courier, dancing. He salutes everybody.
FERDINAND: Hola! Hola! Hola! Hola!
A courier all of you welcome in me,
Whom Boniface grudgingly greets,
I bring him the guests, but insist on my fee
Of twenty per cent on receipts.
Now, who's for the Danube and out on the Spree?
A tour you will never regret,
Take Bagdad and Bonn (quite a small familee),
From Cork to the Caucasus, and would you see
Queer races, we'll go for Thibet,
Queer races, we'll go for Thibet.
Take Bagdad and Bonn (quite a small familee),
From Cork to the Caucasus, and would you see
Queer races, we'll go for Thibet,
Queer races, we'll go for Thibet.
I take a sweet pair on their honeymoon trip,
Of course they like being alone;
A flirt and a youth who's been rather a rip,
Reduced to be Darby and Joan.
They Gaze on a lake with a Baedeker book,
"Three men in a boat" over-oar'd,
They travel through France with a trustworthy Cook,
And everyone says from their much Murray'd look,
"Mark! Innocents Twain all aboard!
Mark! Innocents Twain all aboard!"
They travel through France with a trustworthy Cook,
And everyone says from their much Murray'd look,
"Mark! Innocents Twain all aboard!
Mark! Innocents Twain all aboard!"
I'll see you to Paris and drive you about,
To every café and show,
To Hamburg, or Baden, or Aix for the gout,
An Aix-cellent place, as you know.
Look here! we can stay at Algiers for the day,
Though lure us it may from our path;
And if you, dear friends, our expenses will pay,
I'll take you by Coventry all of the way
From Jericho over to Bath,
From Jericho over to Bath!
And if you, dear friends, his expenses will pay,
He'll take you by Coventry all of the way
From Jericho over to Bath,
From Jericho over to Bath!
Exeunt all except FERDINAND. Those connected with the Inn remain
on to receive the guests.
Page created 26 October 2003