E Index

Ea - Ed Eg - En Er - Ey

Ea - Ed
Top of Page
Marian Eadie-Reid (1917-18)
Margaret Eales (1963-65) With Portrait
Charles Earldon (1897-1903)
Beresford Earle (1901-02)
Robert Earle (1916)
Spencer Earle (1913)
Joseph S. East (1879)
Florence Easton (1892-94)
(Miss) Easton (1885-87)
Richard Eaton (1925-33) With Portrait
Fred G. Edgar (1890-1904, 1906-09, 1914, 1916-19, 1921-22) With Portrait
R. H. Edgar (1885-87, 1890)
Janet Edmondson (1881-82) With Portrait
Percy Edmunds (1892-93)
Beatrix Edwards (1951-53)
Fanny Edwards (1878, 1881-87) With Portrait
Horace V. Edwards (1919-20)
Josephine Edwards (1917)
Margaret Edwards (1920-21)
Thomas Edwards (1887-1900)
Wendy Edwards (1966)
(Miss) M. Edyths (1890)
Eg - En
Top of Page
Lilian Egerton (1884-87)
Anne Egglestone (1967-77) With Portrait
Ernest Eglington (1890, 1893-98) With Portrait
Lois Elaine (1951-55)
Beatrice Elburn (1925-30) With Portrait
Clinton Elder (1894)
Maud Ellicott (1894) With Portrait
(Mr.) Ellington (1897)
Patricia Elliott — See Patricia Rea.
Jon Ellison (1953-56, 1958-66, 1968-79) With Portrait
Frank Elliston (1903) With Portrait
Laura Elliston (1885, 1896-1901)
J. W. Elmore (1882)
Ernest Elton (m.d., 1883) With Portrait
William Elton (1897-98, 1898) With Portrait
Rosalie Elwood (1926-27) With Portrait
Laurence Emery (1901, 1902-03) With Portrait
Tom Emery (1913-16)
Ivor Emmanuel (1950-51) With Portrait
Lillias Engholm (1905-09)
(Mr.) Engstrom (1881)
Er - Ey
Top of Page
Alice Erskine (1893-98)
Kate Erskine (1893-95) With Portrait
Dora Eshelby (1906-07)
Robert Eshelby (1979-80) With Portrait
Wilfred Esmond (1878) With Portrait
Rose Estelle (1883-96) With Portrait
Edith Evans (1905)
Eleanor Evans (1921-37, 1940-45) With Portrait
Ethel Evans (1935-37) With Portrait
Ivor Evans (1952-53) With Portrait
Julia Evans (1879)
Lulu Evans (1897-1901, 1903-04, 1906-07) With Portrait
Madge Evans (1881-83)
Margaret Evans (1936-43) With Portrait
Margaret Evans
(1973-74)  — See Margaret Bourgein.  With Portrait
Ronald Evans (1922-24)
Thomas Evans (1888)
(Miss) Evans (1887)
(Mr.) Evans (1902-03)
(Miss) Evans (1906-07)
Edwin Eve (1881)
Lilian Evelyn (1919-20, 1921-25) With Portrait
Mary Evelyn (1916-17) With Portrait
Norah Evelyn (1894, 1896)
Harriett Everard (1877-80) With Portrait
(Mr.) A. Everett (1906-09)
Sybil Evers (1930-31) With Portrait
Robert Evett (1892-1903) With Portrait
Rosie Ewart  — See Rose von Waldeck.
Marjorie Eyre (1924-46) With Portrait

Page modified June 6, 2024 © 2001-24 David Stone