T Index

Ta Te Th Ti To Tr Tu Tw Ty

Ta Top of Page Frank Talbot (1877-78)
Hugh Talbot (1879-80) With Portrait
Kate Talby (1885-87, 1888-91, 1891-97) With Portrait
Caroline Tatlow (1980-82) With Portrait
Agnes Taylor (1881-1902) With Portrait
Greene Taylor (1888-90) With Portrait
Joseph G. Taylor — See Greene Taylor.
(Miss) M. A. Taylor (1880)
(Miss) Taylor (1887-88)
Te Top of Page Emily Teagle (1935-36)
Mr. Tebbut (1901)
Frank Tebbutt (1888-94)
Harry G. Tebbutt (1890-96)
Janet Temperley — See Janet St. Claire.
Lotti Tempest (1880-81)
Arthur Temple (1923-24)
Edward P. Temple (1881, 1887) With Portrait
George Temple (1878-81, 1887, 1890, 1896) With Portrait
Richard Temple (1877-81, 1882-89, 1890-91,
1894-95, 1896, 1896-97, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1904, 1908-09) With Portrait
Frank Tennant (1903)
Florence Terriss (1883-84)
Eva Tetley — See Evelyn Ward.
Hamilton Tetley (1884, 1887)
Th Top of Page Fowler Thatcher (1891)
Ferdinand Thieler (1882-87)
(Master) Thirlwell (1888)
David Thomas (1932-39, 1946) With Portrait
Glynne Thomas (1957-59) With Portrait
(Miss) G. Thomas (1906-07)
Hector Thomas (1932-34, 1936, 1937-42,
1947-49) With Portrait
Rhys Thomas (1943-45, 1945-48) With Portrait
Sibylle Thomas (1923-28, 1929-34, 1940-46) With Portrait
Winifred Thomas (1906-07)
Brenda Thompson (1938-44) With Portrait
Eustace Thompson (1884)
Geraldine Thompson (1883)
Henry Thompson (1912)
Neil Thompson — See Neil Braithwaite.
Rada Thompson (1912-13)
Sara Thompson (1901)
Scott Thompson (1919-20, 1924)
William Thomson (1920-23) With Portrait
L. C. Thorburn (1894) With Portrait
Hannah Thorley (1894)
Herbert Thorndike (1901)
Eric Thorne (1884-85) With Portrait
George Thorne (1881-83, 1884-89, 1890-97, 1898, 1899) With Portrait
May Thorne (1919-23) With Portrait
Amy Thornton (1885, 1886-87)
(Miss) C. Thornton (1886-87)
Eric Thornton (1950-52) With Portrait
Frank Thornton (1877-83, 1891-92) With Portrait
Gertrude Thornton (1900-01) With Portrait
Mary Thornton (1894-98)
Maude Thornton (1900-03) With Portrait
Ruby Thornton (1880)
R. J. Thurgood (1926)
Deidree Thurlow (1949-51)
Ti Top of Page John Tiernan (1960-63)
Vivian Tierney (1975-79, 1981-82) With Portrait
Dorothy Tillett (1935)
Frank E. Tilton (1920-24) With Portrait
Cora Tinnie (1890-92) With Portrait
To Top of Page Antonio Tomasi (m.d., 1882-83)
Eva Tomlin (1910-11)
Violet Tomlin —    See Esme Major.
Frances Torant (1887-88) With Portrait
John Torney (1935-36)
Ernest Torrence (1901-03) With Portrait
Sidney Tower (1890, 1896) With Portrait
William Townsend (1899)
Geoffrey Toye (m.d., 1919-20, 1921-22, 1924) With Portrait
Jennifer Toye (1954-56, 1956-65) With Portrait
Tr Top of Page G. W. Traverner (1882)
Harold Trego (1921-24, 1951-53)
Florence Trevellyan (1878-79) With Portrait
Harris Trevor (1881-94)
Muriel Trevor (1907-09)
Louise Trimble (1914-15) With Portrait
Charles Tritton (1876)
John Truro (1880-81)
(Mr.) J. Truscott (1897)
Tu Top of Page Michael Tuckey (1968-73) With Portrait
(Mr.) Tuer (1885-87)
(Mr.) Tuet — See (Mr.) Tuer.
Leicester Tunks (1904-16) With Portrait
J. W. Turnbull (1908-23) With Portrait
Maisie Turner (1894-95)
Olive Turner (1911-13) With Portrait
Tw Top of Page Henry Tweddle (1883)
Kitty Twinn (1908-24, 1924-25) With Portrait
Lily Twyman (1883-84)
Ty Top of Page Jean Tyler (1951-53)  

Page modified May 15, 2024 © 2001-24 David Stone