D Index

Da De Di Do Dr Du Dw Dy

Da Top of Page Theodora Linda Da Costa (1882)
Carla Dagmar (1896) With Portrait
Inez D'Aguilar (1876)
Ernest Dale (1937-45, 1949-51)
Scott Dalgleish (1896-98)
J. J. Dallas (1891-94, 1894-95, 1898-99) With Portrait
Florence Daly (1893)
Nora Daly (1902)
Frank Danby (1894) With Portrait
Julia Danby (1878)
Dorothy Dane (1918-22) With Portrait
Mattie Danielle (1880) With Portrait
Lorraine Daniels (1976-82) With Portrait
James Danvers (1885-86)
Linda D'Arcy (1976-79) With Portrait
Valda Darling (1947-49)
Linda Darnell (1981-82) With Portrait
Leo Darnton (1921-25) With Portrait
E. Hall Davenport (1881-87)
Andrea David (1973-74)
Frank David (1890) With Portrait
William Davidson (1908-12)
Jim Davie (1942-43)
Ada Davies (1900) With Portrait
Aileen Davies (1923-28) With Portrait
Alice Davies (1885)
David Davies (1922-23)
Dawn Davies (1963-65) With Portrait
Edith Davies (1925-26)
Hilary Davies (1923-27) With Portrait
(Mr.) J. Davies (1902-04) With Portrait
Muriel Davies (1930-32)
Nora Davies (1919-20)
Royston Davies (1967-68)
(Miss) Davies (1901)
Edwin Davis (1898, 1900-01)
Evette Davis (1979-80) With Portrait
Gladys Davis (1932-33)
(Mr.) R. Davis (1902-03)
(Mr.) Davis (1893-94)
Eric Davy (1936)
William Dawe (1959-61)
Marjorie Dawes (1907-09)
Leonard Day (m.d., 1919-20)
Annie Dayton (1881, 1882)
De Top of Page John Dean (1926-46) With Portrait
Maysie Dean (1937-45) With Portrait
Phyllis Dean (1940-47) With Portrait
Yvonne Dean (1945-46, 1949-50)
Gladys Deane (1922-26)
Celia Dear (1921-25)
(Miss) de Dreux (1897-98)
Hervet d'Egville (1883-84, 1885, 1887-89) With Portrait
Arthur de Jong (1892-96)
Caroline de Kovrigin (1889)
Alfred de Lacey (1887)
Gertrude de Lacey (1894-98, 1900-01?, 1902-03) With Portrait
Marie de Lacey (1883-92, 1901-03) With Portrait
Valerie de Lacey (1897-98, 1900-01?)
Victor de Lacy (1887)
Hattie Delaro (1881, 1882, 1885-86, 1887) With Portrait
Dorothy Delbridge (1925-31)
(Miss) Gene Dell (1919-22) With Portrait
Florence Delmar (1880)
Selina Delphine (1879)
Henri Delplanque (1892-95)
Louise de Mervale (1897-1901, 1905) With Portrait
(Miss) de Mongoot (1882)
(Miss) M. De Morgan (1906-07)
(Master) John F. Dempsey (1880)
Elizabeth Denham (1977-79) With Portrait
Robert Dennant (1892-94)
John Dennison (1956-57) With Portrait
Doreen Denny (1932-36) With Portrait
W. H. Denny (1876, 1888-93, 1893-94) With Portrait
(Miss) Denny (1908-09)
Marie de Noel (1882)
Jean Dent (1957-59) With Portrait
George de Pledge (1887-93)
J. de Pledge (1890)
Helen de Vallance (1882)
Clara Deveine (1881-83) With Portrait
Nellie de Vere (1881, 1882)
George Devoll (1898) With Portrait
(Miss) Dewsnap (1894)
Adrienne de Wynter (1965-66, 1966-67)
Di Top of Page Phyllis Dicksee (1917-19) With Portrait
Muriel Dickson (1928-35) With Portrait
Maud Digby (1877) With Portrait
Isabelle Dillon (1901-02) With Portrait
Beryl Dixon (1951-60) With Portrait
Fred Dixon (1881, 1882) With Portrait
Do Top of Page Margaret Dobson (1952-56) With Portrait
(Miss) Doherty (1885-92)
Selina Dolaro (1875-76, 1882) With Portrait
Carrie Donald (1890-91, 1892) With Portrait
Dorothy Donaldson (1928-29)
Alistair Donkin (1979-82) With Portrait
George Donnelly (1881-82)
M. F. Donovan (1880) With Portrait
Ada Dorée (1884-85) With Portrait
Charles Dorning (1947-49) With Portrait
Jane Douglas (1935-42) With Portrait
(Miss) Douglas (1898)
Clara Dow (1906-09, 1911, 1913-14) With Portrait
Agnes Dowes (1900-01)
Clifford Downey (1960-62) With Portrait
Winifred Downing (1919-22) With Portrait
Dr Top of Page Fred Drawater (1895-1927) With Portrait
Constance Drever (1903) With Portrait
Donald Drewson (1956)
Ann Drummond-Grant (1933-38, 1950-59) With Portrait
Frederic Drury (1880)
Du Top of Page Lucien Ducrow (1882-83)
Albert Dudley (1919-25, 1942-47)
John Dudley (1937-39) With Portrait
Perle Dudley (1885-86) With Portrait
Shelagh Duffy (1950-52)
Sandra Dugdale (1981-82) With Portrait
Mary Duggan (1879-81, 1883-84, 1887-88,
1890-93) With Portrait
Lorraine Dulcie-Daniels — See Lorraine Daniels
Elsie Duncan (1895-1900)
Victoria Duncan (1979-80) With Portrait
Lilian Dundas (1879) With Portrait
Henry Dunman (1880)
Richard Dunn (1933-41, 1947-49) With Portrait
(Miss) Dunne (1897)
Arthur Du Pasquier (1882) With Portrait
Cissy Durant (1875)
Anne Duthie (1939-41)
Dw Top of Page Lena Dwelly (1904-05) With Portrait
Michael Dwyer (1878-79) With Portrait
Dy Top of Page Mansel Dyer (1935-40)
Rosalie Dyer (1926, 1940-50) With Portrait
Winifred Hart Dyke (1900-03) With Portrait
Dorothy Dymond (1915-16)
(Mr.) Dymott (1878-79) With Portrait
Florence Dysart (1881-83, 1884-85) With Portrait
Katherine Dyson (1966-68) With Portrait
Wynn Dyson (1927-47) With Portrait

Page modified November 7, 2023 © 2001-23 David Stone