S Index

Sa Sc Se Sh Si Sk Sl Sm
Sn So Sp Sq St Su Sw Sy

Sa Top of Page Blanche Sabine (1877)
Edward Sadler (1974)
Leonard Saffell (1932-34)
(Miss) St. Clair (1898-1901)
Janet St. Claire (1969-71) With Portrait
Arthur St. Edmunds (1920)
Charlotte St. Felix (1881) With Portrait
Clementine St. Felix (1881) With Portrait
Henrietta St. Felix (1881) With Portrait
Nellie St. George (1875)
Lina St. Ives (1884)
Florence St. John (1894-95, 1897-98) With Portrait
Geraldine St. Maur (1883-87, 1890-91, 1908-09) With Portrait
(Mr.) Salisbury (1877)
Geoffrey Sanders (1946, 1948-50, 1951) With Portrait
Ivy Sanders (1935-40, 1942-45) With Portrait
May Sanderson (1950-56) With Portrait
(Miss) Sandford (1890)
Kenneth Sandford (1957-82) With Portrait
Rachel Sanger (1876, 1881) With Portrait
(Miss) Sanger (1890)
Mary Sansom (1956-64) With Portrait
Lilian Sant (1897-99)
Malcolm Sargent (cond., 1926, 1929-30, 1951, 1961-62, 1963-64)With Portrait
Kate Sass (1893)
Cissie Saumarez (1889-92) With Portrait
Lillian Saunders (1918) With Portrait
Shirley Saunders (1956-59)
Robert Saunders-Jones (1950-51) With Portrait
A. Scott Savage (1949-52) With Portrait
Nora Savage (1921-22, 1924)
Ethel Savery (1890) With Portrait
Charles Savidge (1881-82)
Avon Saxon (1894) With Portrait
Sc Top of Page F. Landor Scates (1882-87)
(Mr.) Scharff (1881)
Samuel Schofield (1890-95) With Portrait
Thomas Scholey (1974-82) With Portrait
Annie Schuberth (1890) With Portrait
Walter Scollick (1906-07, 1908-09)
(Mr.) A. Scott (1880)
Agnes Scott (1891-94) With Portrait
G. T. Scott (1893-94)
(Miss) Scott (1880)
Se Top of Page (Mr.) R. Seabrook (1885)
Henry Searle (1881-82)
Pamela Searle — See Pamela Baxter.
Ada Seaton (1879-92, 1897-98) With Portrait
Bertha Seaton (1903)
Bryan Secombe (1977-81) With Portrait
Helen Sedger (1890-91, 1894-1901)
Dora Sefton (1919-20)
(Miss) Sefton (1897, 1898)
(Mr.) F. Senechal (1879)
Anne Sessions (1956-63, 1965-69) With Portrait
Hugh Seton (1884-85, 1887-88)
Frances Seymour (1921-27, 1931-32) With Portrait
Patience Seymour (1900-02) With Portrait
W. H. Seymour (1877, 1879-81) With Portrait
William H. Seymour (1880, 1881-83) With Portrait
Sh Top of Page (Miss) José Shalders (1889-94) With Portrait
Dillon Shallard (1901-02) With Portrait
Lillie Shandley (1882)
Eileen Sharp (1922-25) With Portrait
Thomas Sharp (1878)
Brian Sharpe (1967-72, 1974-75) With Portrait
Margaret Sharpe — See Margaret Sheryll.
Harold Sharples (1979-80) With Portrait
Lucy Carr Shaw (1883-85, 1886) With Portrait
Richard Shaw (1909)
Alex Sheahan (1924-26)
(Mr.) Shears (1901-02)
(Miss) Sheehan (1881)
Leo Sheffield (1906-09, 1915-28, 1929-30) With Portrait
Thorpe Sheffield (1894-96)
Wilson Sheffield (1892-94) With Portrait
(Mr.) W. Sheldon (1895-96)
Elizabeth Shelley (1959-63) With Portrait
G. H. Shepherd (1887)
Aimee Shergold (1913-16)
Joan Sherington (1951-52) With Portrait
Amy Sherwin (1890) With Portrait
Grace Sherwood (1881-82) With Portrait
Margaret Sheryll (1969-73) With Portrait
Wilfred E. Shine (1884-85) With Portrait
Michelle Shipley (1979-81) With Portrait
Ellen Shirley (1880-81) With Portrait
Jessie Shirley (1884) With Portrait
W. R. Shirley (1887-91) With Portrait
C. R. Short (1894)
Howard Short (1956-58)
Geoffrey Shovelton (1975-79, 1980-82) With Portrait
Jason Shute (1972-74)
Si Top of Page Jack Sidebotham (1925, 1926-27)
Celia Sidna (1898-1903)
Thomas Silver (m.d., 1881-85, 1887-1902, 1903, 1904-09/a.m.d., 1912) With Portrait
Benjamin Simmonds (m.d., 1875)
Raymond Simmons (1979) With Portrait
Lizzie Simms (1881)
Louise Sims (1910-11)
Alex Sinclair (1906-07)
Aline Sinclair (1921-30) With Portrait
George Sinclair (1887-90, 1894-1923) With Portrait
Gladys Sinclair (1917-22) With Portrait
(Mr.) G. Sinclair (1906-07)
John Sinclair (1898-99)
W. H. Sinclair (1887-89)
Frederick Sinden (1950-60) With Portrait
Kathleen Sinico (1904-05) With Portrait
Sk Top of Page Annie Skidmore (1916-18, 1920-22) With Portrait Jeffrey Skitch (1952-57, 1957-65) With Portrait
Sl Top of Page Victoria Sladen (1954) With Portrait
H. R. Sleigh (1920-24) With Portrait
Suzanne Sloane (1977-79) With Portrait
Sm Top of Page Bertha Smith — See Bertha Hockheimer.
Eckford Smith (1894)
Frederick Smith (1901)
Harold Smith (1901)
Jesse Smith (1881, 1884-85)
Margaret Smith (1957-60)
Marian Smith (1947-49) With Portrait
Phyllis Smith (1913-15, 1915-17) With Portrait
Richard Smith (1882)
Rose Smith (1885)
Samuel Smith (1880)
(Mr.) Smith (1881)
(Mr.) Smith (1888-89)
Sn Top of Page John Snape (1960-62) With Portrait
(Master) Jeoffry Snelson (1893, 1894-95) With Portrait
Tessa Snelson (1892-95, 1908-09, 1915-23) With Portrait
Constance Snow (1881-82) With Portrait
(Mr.) Snow (1893-94)
Leonore Snyder (1890, 1891-92) With Portrait
(Mr.) Snyder (1880)
(Miss) Snyder (1881)
So Top of Page Edward Solomon (cond., 1891, 1892) With Portrait
Yvonne Sommeling (1970-72) With Portrait
Clarence J. Sounes — See Clarence J. Stanley.
Isaac South (m.d., 1884)
Richard South (1881)
Sp Top of Page Elsie Spain (1908, 1908-09, 1909-10) With Portrait
Alan Spencer (1974-80) With Portrait
(Miss) Spenser (1895)
Maisie Spooner (1887-88) With Portrait
Top of Page    
Sq   Emily Squire (1890) With Portrait  
St Top of Page George Stacey (1951-53)
Roy Stainton (1885-86, 1887) With Portrait
Charles A. Staite (1920)
Edith Standen (1902-03) With Portrait
(Mr.) H. Standing (1906-07)
W. Aubrey Standing (1907)
Harry Standish (1880-81) With Portrait
Jane Stanford (1979-82) With Portrait
Constance Stanhope (1884) With Portrait
Frederick Stanislaus (m.d., 1880-81)
Alma Stuart Stanley (1881) With Portrait
Clarence J. Stanley (1882-83)
E. P. Stanley (1887)
Eric Stanley (1916-20) With Portrait
Eva Stanley (1876)
Frank Stanville (1893)
Madge Stavart (1879-82, 1883)
Louis Steadman (1894)
Ronald Stear (1926-28) With Portrait
Kathleen Stedham (1917-18)
(Mr.) Stein (1881)
Wilfred Stelfox (1942-46, 1957-59)
Eugene Stepan (1878)
Ré Stephanie (1892-97)
Jerome Stephens (1923-27) With Portrait
Gordon Stephenson (1939-40)
Edwin Stevens (1929-39) With Portrait
Eve Stevens (1953-54) With Portrait
F. Percival Stevens (1903) With Portrait
Mabel Stevens (1906-07, 1908-09?)
(Miss) Stevens (1880)
James Stevenson (1888-89, 1891)
T. S. Stevenson (1885-86)
Frank Steward ((1908-16, 1919-25, 1932-33,
1934-37) With Portrait
Alison Stewart (1923-24) With Portrait
(Mr.) A. Stewart (1892-94)
(Miss) E. Stewart (1881)
Keith Stewart (1959-60) With Portrait
(Miss) M. Stewart (1881)
Nellie Stewart (1910-11)
Rose Stewart  — See Rose von Waldeck.
Henrietta Steytler (1949-51) With Portrait
Leslie Still (1951-52)
John Stoddart (1959-60) With Portrait
Agnes Stone (1885-86, 1887) With Portrait
Anne Stone (1951-52) With Portrait
Jennie Stone (1881)
Marjorie Stone (1909-11) With Portrait
Fred Storey (1891-92) With Portrait
J. D. Stoyle (1877) With Portrait
William Strachan (1975-79) With Portrait
Marie Strachane (1883)
Ann-Louise Straker (1981-82) With Portrait
George Straughton (1921-27) With Portrait
J. Mansell Stringer (1903-04)
Gregory Stroud (1926) With Portrait
Cecil E. Stuart (1893-94)
Charles Stuart (1894-96, 1902-03, 1914-23) With Portrait
Connie Stuart (1894)
(Miss) M. Stuart (1881)
Nell Stuart (1880)
Ethel Stuart-Barker (1899-1902)
Alan Styler (1947-68) With Portrait
Su Top of Page Bessie Sudlow (1876) With Portrait
Peter Sugden (1962-63)
Arthur Sullivan (cond., 1875-99) With Portrait
Frederic Sullivan (1875) With Portrait
Jennie Sullivan — See Jennie Hervey.
Kate Sullivan (1878-79) With Portrait
(Mr.) Sullivan (1881)
Walter Summers (1894-96, 1897) With Portrait
William Sumner (1932-39) With Portrait
Gwen Surtees (1892)
Anita Sutherland (1903)
Poppy Sutherland (1919-20)
B. P. Sutton (1883)
Sw Top of Page Gillian Swankie (1977-79) With Portrait
Godwynne Swayne (1906-10)
R. A. Swinhoe (1887-1905) With Portrait
Sy Top of Page James Sydney (1879-81, 1882-84)
Mabel Sykes (1914-16, 1917-18, 1920-27) With Portrait
Blanche Symonds (1884-85)
Siddie Symons (1884-88)

Page modifiedJune 12, 2024 © 2001-24 3 David Stone