
Ha He Hi Ho Hu Hy

Ha Top of Page Jack Habbick (1951-61) With Portrait
Dorothy Hace (1908) 
Arthur Hackett (1918-19) 
Ina Hadden (1891-97) 
Abby Hadfield (1963-70, 1971)  With Portrait
Patricia Hadfield (1945-48) 
Ella M. Haigh (1879-80) 
J. T. Haines (m.d., 1881) 
(Miss) Haines (1887-88) 
(Mr.) Haite (1887-88) 
Glyn Hale (a.m.d., 1974-76)  With Portrait
Edna Hall (1923) 
Fanny Hall (1880-81)  With Portrait
Shirley Hall (1951-53)  With Portrait
(Miss) Waldeck Hall (1890-91)  With Portrait
(Miss) Hall (1906-07, 1908-09) 
Henry Hallam (1877)  With Portrait
Henry Halley (1883-84, 1885, 1902)  With Portrait
Ella Halman (1937-51)  With Portrait
Mollie Halse (1921-22)  With Portrait
Arnold Halstead (1914-16) 
P. W. Halton (m.d., 1879-1904)  With Portrait
Henry Hambleton (1926-27)  With Portrait
(Miss) Hambling (1908) 
William Hamilton (1881, 1881-82)  With Portrait
Michael Hamlett (1980-82)  With Portrait
Thomas Hancock (1938-40, 1946-51)  With Portrait
Emily F. Handy (1886) 
Alexandra Hann (1979-82)  With Portrait
Walter Hann (a.m.d., 1910; m.d., 1911, 1913-19)  With Portrait
(Mr.) Hanselman (1881) 
Agnes Hanson (1921) 
Florence Harcourt (1881-83, 1884) 
Muriel Harding (1946-56)  With Portrait
Nannie Harding (1887-91) 
(Mr.) Harding (1885) 

(Mr.) C. Hardy (1881-82)
(Mr.) F. Hardy (1926-27) 
Mary Hargreaves (1925-27) 
Lindsay Harman (1890-1901)  With Portrait
Stuart Harold (1880) 
Clive Harré (1979-82)  With Portrait
Alfred S. Harrhy (1881) 
Daisy Harris (1919-22) 
Donald Harris (1947-51)  With Portrait
Fanny Harrison (1879-83, 1884, 1887-88, 1890)With Portrait
(Miss) Harrison (1881) 
Minnie Harrold (1884) 
Anna Hart (1881) 
Arthur Hart (1884-85) 
Fritz B. Hart (m.d., 1901-02)  With Portrait
Miss Harte — See Anna Hart.
Julia Hartland (1878) 
Hope Harvey (1946-48)  With Portrait
John Harvey (1881, 1887) 
William Haskins (1912-14)  With Portrait
Avon Hastings (1894-98) 
Hope Hastings — See Mrs. Arthur Rousbey.
J. Bowden Haswell (1887-95)  With Portrait
Alonzo Hatch (1882-83)  With Portrait
Arthur Hatherton (1890-96)  With Portrait
Geoffrey Hatton (1919-20) 
Thomas Hatton (1921-23) 
(Mr.) Hauk (1881) 
Gwen Hawthorne (1914-15)  With Portrait
James Hay (1913-15, 1919-20, 1922, 1922-23, 1925-26)  With Portrait
Pauline Haycock (1881) 
(Mr.) G. Hayes (1884, 1887) 
Lila Haynes (1890-95) 
Eileen Hayward (1923-25) 
Richard Hazell (1962-64)  With Portrait
He Top of Page Ethel May Head (1909-11)  With Portrait
Eve Head (1951-53)  With Portrait
Marjorie Heal (1913-14)  With Portrait
(Mr.) Heal (1907) 
(Mr.) T. Healey (1875) 
(Mr.) W. Heath (1885-86) 
(Miss) Heathcote (1884-85)  With Portrait
Marie Heather (1890)  With Portrait
Emily Hebden (1890-94) 
Joan Hedley (1970)  With Portrait
Otto Heilig (1881, 1890) 
Arthur Helmore (1881)  With Portrait
Doris Hemingway (1923-29)  With Portrait
W. T. Hemsley (1880-83, 1884-85) 
Janet Henderson (1979-81)  With Portrait
(Mr.) K. Henderson (1908-09) 
Arthur Hendon (1884-85, 1887-88) 
Marguerite Heney (1947-48)  With Portrait
David Henley (1919, 1921-22)  With Portrait
John Henley (1929-30, 1930-32) 
H. A. Henri — See Henry A. Lytton.
Louie Henri (1884-85, 1885, 1888, 1889, 1890-91, 1892-93, 1894-98)  With Portrait
Louise Henschel (1881-82)  With Portrait
Henry Herbert (1908-13)  With Portrait
Joseph W. Herbert (1885-86, 1887, 1890)  With Portrait
Louis Herbert (1881) 
(Mr.) S. Herbert (1899-1903) 
Clive Hersee (1879) 
Ivy Hertzog (1894) 
Jennie Hervey (1877-92) 
Rose Hervey (1877-91)  With Portrait
George Herwin — See George Hirwen.
(Mr.) Hetherington (1888) 
(Mr.) Hewes (1881) 
Betty Hewett — See Alice Brewerton.
Fred Hewett (1907-13)  With Portrait
Brian Hewitt-Jones (1957-58)  With Portrait
Jones Hewson (1894-99, 1900-01)  With Portrait
Hi Top of Page G. W. Hickling (1885, 1889)
Arthur Hickman (1898-99, 1901-02, 1903, 1908)
Ida Hickman (1885-86)
Jenny Higgins (1901)
Melvyn Higgs (1971-73)
Evelyn Higham (1948-49)
Rose Hignell (1917-19) With Portrait
Charles Hildesley (1884-89)
Percy Hilditch (1915-16)
(Mr.) Hildreth (1901)
Evelyn Hill (1906-07)
Irene Hill (1923-28) With Portrait
Joyce Hill (1949-51)
 With Portrait
Lucile Hill (1892-93) With Portrait
Rose Hill (1902-03)
Connie Hilliard (1906-07)
(Miss) Hilliard (1881)
(Miss) Hilliger (1881)
Trevor Hills (1951-56) With Portrait
Josephine Hinchley (1973-76) With Portrait
Jean Hindmarsh (1956-60, 1961-62, 1962-63,1963-64, 1969) With Portrait
Leslie Hinton (1916-17, 1919) With Portrait
Louise Hinton (1896)
(Miss) Hinton (1890)
Ernest Hire (1925-26)
George Hirwen (1887-88) With Portrait
Ho   Effie Hoather (1923-24)
Frederick Hobbs (1914-20) With Portrait
Maxwell Hobbs (1951-56)
Bertha Hockheimer (1894-98, 1900-02)
(Mr.) C. Hodd (1881-82)
Thomas Hodges (1880-81)
W. F. Hodgkins (1925-36) With Portrait
Charles J. Hodgson — See Charles Conyers.
(Mr.) Hodson (1880)
(Mr.) Hoerth (1881)
Maggie Hogan (1895-1901) With Portrait
William Hogarth (1879, 1880) With Portrait
Millicent Holbrooke (1906-07)
P. J. Holden — See J. Brandon Phillips.
Arthur Holdich — see Arthur Hatherton.
Kathryn Holding (1970-73) With Portrait
Brenda Holland (1954-57) With Portrait
Fanny Holland (1879-80) With Portrait
Lyndsie Holland (1970-77) With Portrait
Maud Holland (1890) With Portrait
Violet Holland (1903)
(Mr.) V. Holland (1887)
(Mr.) Holland (1881)
(Miss) Holland (1881)
(Mr.) Hollingsworth (1875)
Edith Holme (1909-10)
Vera Holme (1906-07, 1908-09) With Portrait
B. William Holmes (1919-25, 1940-44) With Portrait
Frank Holt (1887-98, 1902-03) With Portrait
Ann Hood (1963-67, 1970) With Portrait
Marion Hood (1880-81) With Portrait
J. W. Hooper (1894) With Portrait
(Miss) M. Hooper (1883)
Cécilie Hope (1916-17) With Portrait
Pearl Hope (1909)
Violet Hope (1876)
(Mr.) Hope (1899)
(Miss) Hope (1898-1901)
Glyn Hopkins (1924-26, 1939-42) With Portrait
Crosby Hopps (1892-95)
W. H. Horford — see William H. Hosgood.
Ralph Horner (m.d., 1879-85, 1887) With Portrait
(Mr.) A. Horspool (1885-87)
William H. Hosgood (1881-83)
Arthur Hosking (1927-28) With Portrait
Jessie Hoskins (1881)
Eileen Hough (1971-72)
Suzanne Houlden (1979-82) With Portrait
Dudley Howard (1880)
Pauline Howard (1947-49) With Portrait
Elizabeth Howarth (1952-58) With Portrait
(Mr.) Howe (1884-87)
Minnie Howell (1912-13) With Portrait
Maud Howell-Hersee (1893-94) With Portrait
Margaret Howells (1919-20)
Amy Howson (1903) With Portrait
Emma Howson (1878-79) With Portrait
John Howson (1885) With Portrait
Hu   Jessie Huddleston (1902-03)  With Portrait
Caroline Hudson   See Madeleine Hudson.
Madeleine Hudson (1976-81)  With Portrait
E. L. Hughes (1951-54) 
Fred Hughes (1879, 1887-89) 
Harry Hughes (1950-53) 
Jennie Hughes (1881, 1882)  With Portrait
John Hughes (1947-49)  With Portrait
Nancy Hughes (1924-31) 
T. Penry Hughes (1922-41)  With Portrait
John Hugill (1963-67) 
Jean Hullah (1945-48) 
Sophie Hummell (1881, 1882) 
George Humphrey (1897-98)  With Portrait
Gillian Humphreys (1963-65)  With Portrait
Clarence Hunt (1893-94)
Stafford Hunt (1928)
(Mr.) Hunt (1881) 
Florence Hunter (1892-94) 
Marie Hunter (1881-82)  With Portrait
John Huntington (1925-26)  With Portrait
Arthur Huntley (1885-87) 
F. W. Huntley (1884-85) With Portrait
(Mr.) C. Husk — See James B. Husk.
James B. Husk (1875) 
Kate Husk — See Rosa Husk.
Rosa Husk (1881-84) 
Douglas Hutcheson (1916) 
David Hutchinson (1926-27) 
Jessie Hutchinson (1880-81) 
Maude Hutchinson (1918-19, 1919-20)  With Portrait
Linda Ann Hutchison (1969-73)  With Portrait
Eric Hutson (1946-48) 
Hy   Claribel Hyde (1892-93) 
Florence Hyde (1879) 
Ethel Hyem (1898-99) 
Marguerite Hylder (1928-32)  With Portrait
Alice Hynd (1951-59)  With Portrait
Aileen Hynes (1938-40)  With Portrait

Page modified May 9, 2024 © 2001-24 David Stone